Tuesday, 2 December 2014


Happy international day of people with disability.

Firstly, thank you to all the children, mums, dads, grandparents and educators who took the time to create a miniature garden for the storybook garden competition, raising funds for Boundless Canberra the all abilities playground. I was thrilled to read about how you all enjoyed spending time doing this activity.

Thanks to our prize sponsors - Wilomark Imagery, Michael O'Brien, Belconnen I-Play, Canty's Bookshop, Cockington Green Gardens, Dendy Cinemas, Gardening 4 Kids, The George Gregan Foundation, Koomarri, National Dinosaur Museum, National Zoo and Aquarium, Questacon, Seg Glide Ride Segways Canberra, Tutu Program - Australia, Zone 3 Laser Tag, Adam Robinson, Gardening Australia, The Green Shed, Matthew Sumner, Magic Mini Gardens Canberra, Megan Garret and Rodney's Nursery & Garden Centre.

Thanks to our judges - Rodney Toll (Rodney's Plants Plus), Genevieve Jacobs (666 ABC Canberra) and Sandie Parkes (The Green Shed).

Thanks to Ray White Tuggeranong for roadside signage, Her Canberra for their media and to the many local and national businesses and community organisations who helped to promote the competition.

And finally thanks to my dear friends who gave me lots of great suggestions to help shape and promote the competition.


Judge : Rodney Toll, Rodney Plant's Plus

1st : Garden Fairy Village made by Elka and her mum
Prizes : Elka - a custom handmade tutu from tutu'ist Claire Twisty Vix, mum - $50 green shed voucher

2nd : Dinosaur Roar made by Liam and his mum
Prizes : Liam - Belconnen I-play voucher, mum - Body shop pack by Megan Garrett

3rd : Magic Faraway Tree made by Eva, Blake and their mum
Prizes : children - George Gregan branded clothing x 2, mum - reversing camera

4th : Storybook Collection made by Maya and her mum
Prizes : Maya - Cockington Green Family Pass, mum - George Gregan branded clothing

Judge : Genevieve Jacobs, 666 ABC Radio Canberra.

1st: Fairy Realm made by Marilla and her mum
Prizes: Marilla - National Zoo and Aquarium family pass, mum - 2 x Dendy Cinema Tickets
2nd: Hobbit House and Garden made by Connor and his mum
Prize : I-tunes voucher, mum - bodyshop pack

3rd : Camp Half-Blood by Brady and his dad
Prizes : Questacon family pass, dad - Blueray DVDs

4th: 10 little rubber ducks made by Elywn with help from mum
Prizes : Cockington Green family pass, mum - 10 back issues Gardening Australia Magazine

Judge : Sandie Parkes, The Green Shed

1st : Jack and the Beanstalk made by 2-3 year olds, YMCA Early Learning Centre, Holder.
Prizes : children - 3 family passes Cockington Green, educators - $50 Green Shed voucher

2nd: Old Macdonald had a Farm made by pre-schoolers at the YMCA Early Learning Centre, Belconnen.
Prizes : children - 3 x Family tickets National Dinosaur Museum, educators - Magic Mini Garden
3rd: Mad Hatters Tea Party by the preschool room at the Calwell Early Childhood Centre.
Prizes : children - Canty's bookstore voucher $60 , educators - Rodney's plants plus voucher

4th: Handa's Surprise by 2-3 year olds at the Currawong Early Childhood centre, Barton.
Prizes : children - Gardening4kids $50 voucher, educators - 4 x 30 minutes segway rides

The Very Hungry Caterpillar made by 0-2 year olds and their educators, YMCA Holder Early Learning Centre
Prize: Wood carving wall hanging by Michael O'Brien (valued at $800)

"Spot visits Evans Garden" made by Evan (2) and his mum.
Prize: Wilowmark Imagery - photoshoot with 10 images (valued at $1200).
I will be in contact with all winners in the evening of 3 Dec to arrange delivery of prizes.


I am pleased to announce that the Storybook Garden Competition will be back for Spring 2015, continuing to raise funds for Boundless Canberra. I would be very grateful for any suggestions you might have to improve the competition for next year. I am very open to any suggestions - different promotions, format, prizes, daily inspiration, who can enter etc. Please comment on this post or email your suggestions to actstorybook@gmail.com

Kind regards
Fiona McIntosh